Monday, July 25, 2011

Throwing In The Towel

After nearly a year of trying everything short of legal action to get Video Only to honor the terms of its own printed return policy, I decided it was no longer worth the fight.

Because I will not have anything from this shady operation in my home, I took the store credit, selected two DVD/BluRay players, and took them immediately to the nearest Salvation Army store where I donated them to charity.

Save yourself from the same fate I suffered: SHOP SOMEWHERE ELSE FOR YOUR ELECTRONICS!

There are many fine retailers who will refund a customer's money if s/he isn't happy with their purchase and/or go to bat for them with the manufacturer if necessary.  These range from Costco to Nordstrom and many others in between. But Video Only does not appear to be among them, nor do they seem to care that their shady practices are being posted on sites like Yelp! and Citysearch for all to see. 

It's a shame, really.  The salespeople with whom I interacted seemed to know their products and were not high-pressure.  And their prices are indeed better than many (though certainly not all) other retailers.  If management learned - and applied - the meaning of the phrase "customer service", Video Only could become a force to be reckoned with.  As it is, it will remain among the ranks of the "also-rans" ... if indeed it survives at all.

I, for one, will be doing all I can to help the competition.